Tuesday, January 18, 2022

How Does Rapid Weight Loss Affect The Liver

In many cases, weight loss seems to have a very direct effect: as people lose weight, the fatty liver becomes less fatty crash dieting is a bad idea, though, because rapid weight loss (losing 4 pounds a week or more) can wind up damaging the liver of course, if sustained weight loss were easy, a lot of today's health problems would be solved. How does rapid weight loss affect the liver. Andersen et al studied the effects of weight loss induced by a very-lcd in 41 morbidly obese subjects (35 women and 6 men) they performed a liver biopsy both before and at the end of the diet; the median time interval between these 2 biopsies was 261 d (range: 127–681 d) the median weight loss was 340 kg (range: 174–886 kg).

how does rapid weight loss affect the liver

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Weight loss is affected by your liver the chronic use of anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers can cause liver, kidney and gut damage and in reality are not treating the cause of most types of pain i have provided an informative e book about natural pain relief and it is free !. Dr. james w. anderson assessed liver function tests in 91 obese and 94 severely obese patients who were participating in a rapid weight loss program at the university of kentucky, lexington, where he is medical director of the health management resources weight loss program.. Now there are several kinds of problems that can affect this vital part of the human body. one such significant problem is the rapid weight loss. one true fact is weight loss doesn’t always mean that it affects the kidney, but some physical conditions are truly responsible for affecting kidney at the time of weight loss..

more info how does rapid weight loss affect the liver ---> click here

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